Star Health Gain Insurance Policy is a perfect balance between Insurance and Tax benefits. It offers both outpatient and inpatient hospitalization expenses cover with maximum tax benefits.
Health insurance policy that covers both Outpatient expenses & inpatient expenses
Option to choose premium to be paid and Sum Insured required
Premium options: Rs.15000/-; Rs.20,000/-; Rs.25,000/-; and Rs.30,000/-( applicable GST extra)
Sum Insured options(for inpatient hospitalization): Rs.1 lakh, Rs.2 lakhs, Rs.3 lakhs, Rs.4 lakhs and Rs.5 lakhs
Sum Insured Type option : Individual and Floater
Policy term: One year
Room Rent Limit
1% of sum insured per day.
ICU Daily Rent Limit
1% of sum insured per day.
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses
30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses
60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period
24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage
All day care procedures are covered.
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage
After 48 months
Waiting Period for New Policy
30 Days
Co-payment of 20% of each and every claim amount for fresh as well as renewal policies for insured persons whose age at the time of entry is above 60 years.