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Are accessories and extra fittings of the vehicle covered under the comprehensive motor insurance policy?

s which are directly supplied by the manufacturer along with the vehicle. But they are not essential for the running of the vehicle. The engine of a vehicle is essential for its running and obviously not an accessory. A spare tyre, is however an accessory. Loss or damage to accessories are covered only if they are on the vehicle.

In case the accessories are detached from the vehicle and kept in a garage and are destroyed by fire, they are not covered. Radios, tape recorders, air conditioners and other electrical or electronic items are fitted by vehicle-owners. These cannot be considered as accessories. These items qualify as extra fittings and the owner has to specifically describe and mention separate values towards them at the time of insurance.

Only on payment of the requisite additional premium, can they be covered. However, if such items are built-in and supplied by the manufacturer, will be treated as accessories and need not be separately insured.

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